Tuesday, June 4, 2019

More fun with coloring fonts

I have recently added more color options for several typefaces sold on myfonts.com. Tuskcandy and HippityDippity have inline or outlined styles, and now the outside ring, the middle ring, and the inside letter can all be set in different colors.
 WyomingSpaghetti-Bold added a thin outline style that was created for use in layers.

AccruedInterest is a sloppy, outlined font. The middle now can be used alone or in layers with the original.
A couple of added characters give more options for TOCinRings. Below a blank red disk has been placed behind the lettering and a black ring has been placed above the letters. The effect can be obtained with layers or using keys that have zero width. A pdf file that can be accessed from the description on myfonts explains both ways.

Karlisbad has grown from a single-font family to a family of three with two variants that have the lines removed. Below the regular variant is used to create text where the letters and the lines have different colors. The extra light variant is given the same color as the background and the result is hollow lettering, a reading-between-the-lines font.

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